Thursday, October 29, 2015

Blog 10 - Interview 2 Reflection

This is me when I mentor. I am able to be happy around everyone.

1. Please explain how you are spending your mentorship time (Is it at a workplace or somewhere else?  Are you shadowing?  Are you able to do tasks that are meaningfully related to the topic?  If so, what?  Are there other people who are experts in the location?  Etc...)
     - Where I am currently mentoring I have been able to do tasks given to me. I have helped keep up with orders, have scheduled meetings, and have also attended catering thanks to the help my mentor. These things are some tasks that managers would usually do in order to keep their business running smoothly. Another person at the restaurant who has the same expertise as my mentor would be my dad, which is a manager as well, but because I know he will go easy on me I try to do more tasks with my mentor Ms. Bernal. 

2.  How did you find your mentor?  How did you convince this person to help you?   
    - My mentor was not difficult to find because she is a relative, but I know she will keep me busy helping her around the restaurant. Because she is family she didn't have any problem with me mentoring at Mi Lindo Apatzingan. 

3. How would you rate your comfort level with your mentor at this point in your relationship?  How does this relate to the time you've spent so far at mentorship/with this person
     - As is my aunt and I were close, but because we now help each other out at the restaurant our bond has grown stronger, so at this point I think I can say that my comfort level is at 100%. I feel fine going in anytime because all the staff at the restaurant is friendly and will treat you with respect which is what everyone wants. 

4. What went well in this interview?  Why do you think so?  What do you still need to improve?  How do you know?  How will you go about it?
     - I think this interview went well overall because she was able to answer my questions with the right words and she really let me know that I shouldn't give up on any situation because we are capable of fixing the problem handed to us. I would like to improve only further questions asked and maybe go into more specific questions related to the restaurant. I can go about it in an easy way. I just need to spend my time coming up with the right questions and I believe that when I come up with the questions I will be able to understand the restaurant business management better. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Advisory Prep 3

This is what you should do when a customer starts complaining 

1. State whether or not you currently have a mentor, and what the status of your interview is with that person (I have completed the interview, I have scheduled the interview, I have not scheduled the interview, etc).

  • I do currently have a mentor, and have scheduled my interview to be next week.

2. At this point, your research is probably guiding your studies toward more specific areas within your topic.  Name the area or two you find most promising and explain your reasons.   

  • The two most promising areas right now is customer satisfaction because in order to keep your restaurant up and running you need to make sure you have actual customers. Without customers you will have no profit and that can cause economic problems. Another promising area right now is health regulation/code safety because you can get shut down by the health inspectors if you don't have everything clean, organized, and safe. 
3. What kinds of sources do you think will help you in the next month to gain more research depth?  Where will you go to get them?

  • I actually hope to find sources about the top health regulation problems that are most common in restaurants. It will help me understand what to avoid and what to do if I ever open a business. Another area I hope to find more in-depth research on is the economic side of businesses because you need to pay attention to your income, profit, loss, and etc. I hope to talk to my mentor and ask her where she thinks I can find my articles or find a book that is all about these two source areas. 
4. Write down a possible EQ.  Please don't worry about wording other than ensuring that it provides the option for multiple correct answers.  At this point, the senior team is most interested in understanding your thought process.

  • In order to help improve customer satisfaction and raise profit in a restaurant what are the steps that should be taken?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Blog 8 - Independent Component 1 Proposal

Me when someone asks me if I'm worried about IC. 

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.
  • What I plan to do is hopefully be able to arrange a "celebration/get together" with our North House class in the MPR (if I get the permission). As you might know I am doing my project on Restaurant Business Management, and the way it relates to my topic is because as manager it is my duty to;
    • Have everything be sanitary
    • Make sure things are up to health code
    • Have a well organized "staff"
    • Supply Menu's
    • Supply the food
    • Make sure the customers (north house) feel comfortable
    • keep everything running smoothly
  • I feel I will be able to fill up my 30 hours because I will need to learn how to make proper menus with reasonable deals, and etc. Also, I would need to inspect the restaurant I work at to see health codes in order for me to know what I should fix in the MPR and etc. 
    • (p.s. I would appreciate it if you would be able to give me more ideas in order for this component to be better)
2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.
  • I will be able to show the evidence of my 30 hours working on this component because I will probably be at school for part of it, and can check in with my house teacher, but also record it on my docs. I will also like to work with other students that have similar ideas to mine and we can all record all the data we have including; pics, log entry's, recordings, and etc. And possibly show our teachers. 
3.  Explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth.
  • This idea will help me explore my topic more because I plan on basically running a small business. Even if it just takes up a day, or week, or month it will give me a visual of how it is when you manage a restaurant/business. It will give me a better understandment of all the work managers actually go under and will hopefully teach me some skills for the future. 
4.  Update your Senior Project Hours log.
  • New Link posted on blog "Senior Project hours - Leslie's mentoring hours"